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To make the most of your time while visiting the Land of Maple Syrup, it is vital to plan and list out your itineraries. Canada is a big country, so don’t expect to explore all places during a quick trip. Decide on the places to go to and sights to check out. You can always come back to see other sites the next time.

Here are the other things you need to know before going to Canada:

1. Get a travel insurance beforehand

As much as you intend to enjoy and have fun during your stay in the country, you never know what accidents may happen. Since you are in a foreign country, expect medical expenses to be higher than usual.

For your peace of mind, sign up for a health insurance policy before you travel and check the coverage. Make sure that it offers health benefits for the activities you intend to do on your travel venture.

2. Get familiar with Locations of Tim Hortons in the country

This is not difficult because you will find the resto early at every town in the country. It is a haven of inexpensive snack and coffee. It also comes up with events you can take part in when you happen to visit during the months of February to April. The resto chain offers exciting games and promos during the season.

3. Experience the wilderness

While the cities in Canada offers many travel spots and sights, you will love to experience other things you don’t typically see and witness. Most of its land mass is habituated by animals in the wild. You will also see beautiful wilderness waiting to be explored.


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